Payout Options

Automatic vs. Manual Dispersal

There are two ways you can pull funds from VacayMyWay:

  1. Set your payout to 'Automatic Dispersal' when initially setting up your Streamline integration.

  1. Manual Dispersal - Payouts for a booking can be withdrawn from your VacayMyWay account on the day of check-in. Once a booking is made, funds for that booking will be visible in your Vacay account. 

Your account balance can be found in the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner under My Account.

If you did not initially set up a bank account (software integration only)

When you “Withdraw” the money - it will guide you through creating Stripe account and adding the bank account.

After that, you may also go to the integration settings and select auto withdrawal there if you so choose.

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