Limitations of the Integration with Hostaway

If you are using Hostaway as your PMS, there are a few additional limitations to understand.

Date Changes

VacayMyWay does not currently support changing booking dates. However, we understand the need to do so and it is on the roadmap. If a date change is attempted in Hostaway, you will receive the normal change email from Hostaway, but the change will be reversed by VacayMyWay in an attempt to keep the booking synced.

Price Changes and Discounts

Pricing changes will be reflected as follows:

    • Price per night - The nightly rate will increase.
    • Price per stay - The cleaning fee will increase.
    • Price for the whole booking - The fee will be applied to the cleaning fee AND the nightly rate. The nightly rate AND cleaning fee will increase.

Since VacayMyWay is the merchant of record, no discounts may be applied from Hostaway. If you would like to refund your guest, please refer to our documentation on refunds.

If a date change or price change is made, VacayMyWay will revert the change in Hostaway in an attempt to keep the reservations synchronized. This will only occur on the first edit of the reservation. Further changes, however, will not be reversed. 

Canceling a Reservation

Canceling a reservation can only occur on VacayMyWay. If you cancel a reservation in Hostaway, the guest will not be refunded, nor will your calendar in VacayMyWay be unblocked until you cancel the booking in VacayMyWay. 

Guest Information

Guest information can be changed but will not have any effect on the guest or booking within VacayMyWay. Changing data such as the guest email will change the email that your Hostaway automated emails go to but will not make any changes to the guest's VacayMyWay account. 


Hostaway taxes are divided into several types (city tax, hotel tax, VAT, etc.). The tax amount is given either as a percentage or as a flat amount.

  • Flat tax $ - applied to booking cost (Nightly rate plus cleaning fee).
  • Percentage tax % - Hostaway portal allows hosts to select what the tax should be applied to (i.e. base rate, parking fee, tourism fee, etc.).
    • If the percentage of tax is applied to the base rate only, VacayMyWay will apply the tax to the booking cost as with Flat Tax noted above.
    • If the percentage tax is not applied to the base rate, but only to specific fees, VacayMyWay will apply the taxes only to the cleaning fee and the tourism fee.
    • VacayMyWay will ignore taxes applied to all other fees.

Additional Tax settings

Through Hostaway, it is possible to set a different tax amount to be applied from a certain number of nights (i.e if bed tax is not required for stays over 180 days). In this case, VacayMyWay will always collect the higher amount on behalf of the host.


VacayMyWay utilizes a wholesale pricing model and limits fees in an effort to keep pricing fair and transparent. Here are the Hostaway fees VacayMyWay supports and how each fee is processed.

Toursim Fee

VacayMyWay maps this as a tourist tax.

Credit Card Fee

VacayMyWay is the merchant of record on all transactions, and credit card processing fees are included in our displayed nightly rate. VacayMyWay ignores credit card fees in all cases and allows the property to be published. Hosts do not need to change anything on the Hostaway side of the integration. The credit card fee will be paid by VacayMyWay on each transaction.

Insurance Fee

VacayMyWay includes $5M in damage and liability waiver, at no additional cost, to every VacayMyWay booking. This coverage and verification of people and homes is provided by our affiliate partner, SuperHog. Hosts can opt into or out of this protection for each property listed on VacayMyWay. VacayMyWay does not collect or support a mandatory insurance fee. If an insurance fee is conveyed through the Hostaway integration, VacayMyWay marks the property as invalid. The listing will not publish unless the insurance fee is removed.

Pet Fee

  • Mandatory Pet Fee
    • Percentage % - VacayMyWay will map the percentage pet fee applied to the entire reservation (or base rate) as an increase in the base price.
    • Flat Rate $-  VacayMyWay will map the flat pet fee applied to to the entire reservation (or base rate) through an increase in the cleaning fee.
    • Other versions of the mandatory pet fee will result in the property being marked as invalid. The listing will not be published unless fees are changed or removed.
  • Optional Pet Fee
    • Percentage % - VacayMyWay will map the percentage pet fee applied to the entire reservation (or base rate) as an increase in the base price.
    • Flat Rate $-  VacayMyWay will map the flat pet fee applied to to the entire reservation (or base rate) through an increase in the cleaning fee.
    • Other versions of optional pet fees - For optional pet fee applied per night, guest etc. VacayMyWay will automatically ban pets for that property, ignore the fee, and allow the property to be published.

Other Fees

  • Mandatory
    • We do not support other mandatory fees. VacayMyWay will mark the property as invalid and the listing cannot be published unless the fees are removed.
  • Optional
    • We ignore all other optional fees.

You can view your VacayMyWay rates this way:

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